Calendar of Events

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< July 2025 >
  1 2 3 4 5NWS 8th Birthday PartyNWS 8th Birthday PartyPlease save the date! We will announce further details once the location for our celebration has been arranged. + Google calendar 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13Monthly Working BeeMonthly Working BeeTime: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
We have a block to tame and is Wildlife Habitat friendly.
BYO gardening skills & tools.
BYO water, snack, sunscreen & hat.
All volunteers find they love the social atmosphere, the visible results and sense of accomplishment. Plus you learn about native flora and fauna and invasive species as well as best management practises. Finishing time depends on weather, results and participants. It usually varies between 10am and 12pm. Noosa Women's Shed, Wallum Lane, Noosa Heads Map+ Google calendar
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 Working Bee