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< April 2025 >
  1 2 3 4 5April Shed MeetingApril Shed MeetingTime: 1:30 pm – 3:30 pm
We come together to discuss Shed business and to enjoy a chat, drinks and a nibble.
General business normally lasts about 30-60 minutes, and then we socialise until people are ready to leave.
We ask for a $5 donation to cover catering costs. Noosa Women's Shed, Rotary Way off Wallum Lane, Noosa Heads At the newly built Shed! Map+ Google calendar
7Stage 1 : Tool AccreditationStage 1 : Tool AccreditationTime: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Hands on session – tool learning session.
Learn how to use a hammer, drill, jigsaw and bench press drill.
Cost of training: $5 (to cover consumables such as nails, drill bits etc) This is payable at time of booking. Enquiry: [email protected] 11 Wallace Drive Noosaville Map+ Google calendar
8 9 10 11 12Home maintenance workshopHome maintenance workshopTime: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Learn about the different wall materials used in your home, and what different fittings (attachments) are best used for each wall type to ensure whatever you want to hang stays up. This includes learning the skills to install your own shelving! Skills learnt include – refining your drilling and hammering skills; installing something into brick, concrete or tile; using a spirit level and square; and using a Hollow Wall Anchor Tool. Cost $10.  Payment is required at time of booking.
Bookings via [email protected]
11 Wallace Drive Noosaville Map+ Google calendar
13Monthly Working BeeMonthly Working BeeTime: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
We have a block to tame and is Wildlife Habitat friendly.
BYO gardening skills & tools.
BYO water, snack, sunscreen & hat.
All volunteers find they love the social atmosphere, the visible results and sense of accomplishment. Plus you learn about native flora and fauna and invasive species as well as best management practises. Finishing time depends on weather, results and participants. It usually varies between 10am and 12pm. Noosa Women's Shed, Wallum Lane, Noosa Heads Map+ Google calendar
14Stage 1 Workshop: Tool Caddy ProjectStage 1 Workshop: Tool Caddy ProjectTime: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Build your own tool caddy. It’s a rite of passage, and is so handy! Stage 1 tool accreditation a prerequisite.  Noosa Women’s Shed Full Members only. Cost $15, as all materials are supplied.  Payment is required at time of booking. Enquiry [email protected] 11 Wallace Drive Noosaville Map+ Google calendar
15 16 17 18Good Friday Public HolidayGood Friday Public Holiday+ Google calendar 19Holy Saturday Public HolidayHoly Saturday Public Holiday+ Google calendar Stage 2 – Tool AccreditationStage 2 – Tool AccreditationTime: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Hands on – tool learning session.
Learn how to use a pocket hole jig, circular saw, mitre saw and electric sander.
Stage 1 accreditation prerequisite,  plus full Noosa Women’s Shed Membership.
Cost:  $5  (To be paid at time of booking)   Enquiry: [email protected] 11 Wallace Drive Noosaville Map+ Google calendar
20Easter Sunday Public HolidayEaster Sunday Public Holiday+ Google calendar
21Easter Monday Public HolidayEaster Monday Public Holiday+ Google calendar 22 23 24 25ANZAC Day Public HolidayANZAC Day Public HolidayLest We Forget
Poppies in a field
Image from
+ Google calendar
26Stage 2 Workshop – Couch End Table ProjectStage 2 Workshop – Couch End Table ProjectTime: 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Build your own couch end table. You will have to purchase your own timber for this project. Build a table with concealed joins using a pocket hole jig. Instructions will be emailed prior to attendance.
Stage 1 & Stage 2 tool accreditation prerequisite, plus Noosa Women’s Shed full membership.
Cost of consumables is $10, and payable at time of booking. Enquiry: [email protected] 11 Wallace Drive Noosaville + Google calendar
28Advanced Workshop -Angled Plant Stand ProjectAdvanced Workshop -Angled Plant Stand ProjectTime: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Build your own Angled Plant Stand. Cost of consumables is $15, as the Shed will be providing your timber for this project. Build an indoor plant stand with concealed joins on an angle using a pocket hole jig. Instructions will be emailed prior to attendance. Stage 1 & Stage 2 tool accreditation prerequisite. It is advisable that you have experience using a pocket hole jig in jointing at right angles. (To learn this you can make a Couch Table). This is an extension on the skills you have learnt with the Couch Table. Enquiry [email protected] 11 Wallace Drive, Noosaville Map+ Google calendar
29 30        
 Working Bee